Can I Use Neem Oil On Monstera?

Neem Oil is one of the best natural ways of killing bugs or keeping out insects on any house plant. In this post, you will find a lot of information about neem oil as an insecticide on monstera plants.

It’s very stressful to see your plant infested with bugs or insects. To overcome this we can spray neem oil which is an efficient natural solution.

neem leaves

Neem oil can be used on monstera as any other indoor plant. when a monstera plant is suffering damage from insects, thrips, spider mites, powdery mildew, downy mildew, white rust, and scale, we can use neem oil (organic), horticultural oil, baking soda, sulfur powder or spray, copper fungicides to recover monstera plants.

Neem oil is a natural plant-based solution derived from the seeds of the neem tree. It is biodegradable, not harmful to humans, pets, and beneficial insects (may be toxic to fish).

On a dry day with no wind, thoroughly drench plants, leaves, and stem with neem spray. As preventive measure needs to be applied every week when it is possible.

Once you feel it is reduced spray it biweekly to prevent a recurrence.

What Kind Of Bugs Does Neem Oil Kill On Monstera Plant?

Neem oil can kill many bugs and insects mainly insects, thrips, spider mites, powdery mildew, downy mildew, white rust, and scale. Neem oil can also be used to control destructive caterpillars, worms, and other plant-eating insects.

I always use neem oil for monstera plant when the white substance on monstera leaves appear, for sure this works out on getting rid of them every time.

I always apply on a dry day with no wind, and thoroughly drench plants, leaves, and stem with neem spray. As preventive measure needs to be applied every week when it is possible.

How Do You Use Neem Oil Spray On Monstera?

  1. Mix 1 and a half tablespoons of neem oil with one spoon of mild soap to one liter of water.
  2. Put the mixed solution into a spray bottle and shake it well.
  3. Apply to one or two leaves to test if it’s okay for your monstera plant, to prevent it from damaging of the plant.
  4. Spray all over the leaves, backside, stem, and every possible place.
  5. keep it dry (out of the sun), until the solution dries out.
  6. Continue to use it until the bugs and insects are out of your Monstera plant.


Do Monsteras Like Neem Oil?

Neem oil can be used on Monstera as any other indoor plant. when a monstera plant is suffering damage from insects, thrips, spider mites, powdery mildew, downy mildew, white rust, and scale, we can use neem oil (organic), horticultural oil, baking soda, sulfur powder or spray, copper fungicides to recover monstera plants.

Final Thoughts:

If nothing works out, destroy the infected plants, sanitize all the pots with boiling water, or else dry out and empty and expose to extremely hot direct sun for a week or two on the terrace or something. Let me know your comments and your opinions.

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