How To Fix Broken Monstera Leaves? (4 Easy Steps)

Monstera deliciosa, with its striking split leaves, has become a most beloved houseplant for many plant enthusiasts. However, like any living thing or like many other plants, Monstera leaves can get damaged. Whether it’s due to accidents, pests, natural wear and tear, shifting plants, or any other activity, broken leaves can be a cause for concern and personally I don’t like broken leaves in my plant and it doesn’t look good. But fear not! In this post, we’ll give you how to fix broken Monstera leaves and keep your plant thriving. (Please read till the end of the article to get a clear picture of fixing broken leaves).

broken monstera leaves

To fix the broken leaves of the monstera plant first needs to analyze the plant carefully and find the damage in the leaves. If damage is on the sides you can trim the leaves with a sterilized pruner. If leaves are split you can repair by bringing the edges of the leaf together, also using the plant adhesive. Give support to damaged leaves with bamboo stalk to reduce stress and will heal quickly.

Once my monstera plant’s big leaf broke and I was worried about that, did some research, consulted friends, and looked up on the web, Finally found the best solution that worked for me and I am sharing the same procedure with you to get the monstera leaves healed and fixed.

I always follow the below-mentioned procedure to recover my damaged monstera plant leaves.

1. Assess the Damage

The first step in fixing broken Monstera leaves is to carefully assess the extent of the damage. Is it a small tear, a partial split, or a complete break?

Understanding the severity of the damage will help you determine the best solution.

2. Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin repairing your Monstera’s leaves, gather the necessary supplies:

  • Clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears
  • Clean, soft cloth or tissue
  • Plant-friendly adhesive (optional)
  • Bamboo stakes (for support, if needed)

3. Trimming Torn or Frayed Edges of monstera leaves

For small tears or frayed edges, you can often fix the issue by carefully trimming the damaged area. Here are the steps:

  • Sterilize your scissors or pruning shears to prevent infection.
  • Trim away the torn or frayed portion of the leaf, cutting at a 45-degree angle just above the damaged area.
  • Make clean, precise cuts to promote healthy healing.

a. Repairing Partial Splits

If your Monstera leaf has a partial split but is still connected, you can try to mend it with plant-friendly adhesive. Follow these steps:

  • Gently bring the split edges of the leaf together.
  • Apply a small amount of plant adhesive to the damaged area, ensuring it adheres securely.
  • Use a soft cloth or tissue to gently press the edges together until the adhesive sets.

b. Supporting Split Leaves

In cases where the split is severe or the leaf is hanging down, you can provide additional support using bamboo stakes or similar materials:

  • Insert a bamboo stake into the soil near the damaged leaf.
  • Carefully secure the damaged leaf to the stake using soft plant ties or twine.
  • This added support will help the leaf heal and prevent further stress on it.

4. Promote Healthy Growth

After addressing the damage, it’s crucial to create optimal conditions for your Monstera to heal and grow. Here are some tips:

  • Maintain consistent watering: Monstera plants prefer slightly moist soil but should not be overwatered or allowed to sit in standing water.
  • Ensure proper lighting: Monstera thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Fertilize responsibly: Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to provide essential nutrients.

Remember that healing takes time. Be patient with your Monstera as it repairs its damaged leaves and continues to grow. Monitor the plant’s progress, adjusting its care as needed.


Q. What causes Monstera leaves to break or tear?

A. Monstera leaves can get damaged due to various reasons, including accidents, physical stress, pest infestations, or environmental factors like low humidity.

Q. How do I assess the severity of leaf damage?

A. Carefully inspect the damaged leaf. Small tears or frayed edges can often be trimmed, while partial splits or complete breaks may require different approaches. Assess the extent of the damage before taking action.

Q. Can I use regular adhesive tape to fix a torn Monstera leaf?

A. We recommend using plant-friendly adhesives specifically designed for this purpose. Regular tape may not be safe for your plant and could harm it.

Q. Should I always trim damaged Monstera leaves?

A. Not necessarily. Small tears or minor damage can be trimmed to promote healthy growth. However, if the leaf is valuable and the damage is minimal, it might be best to leave it alone.

Q. How can I prevent Monstera leaves from breaking in the first place?

A. To prevent leaf damage, ensure your Monstera is in an environment with appropriate lighting, humidity, and care. Avoid physical stress, keep pests at bay, and provide proper support for larger leaves.

Q. Is there a specific time of year when it’s best to trim or repair Monstera leaves?

A. You can trim or repair damaged Monstera leaves at any time of the year. However, it’s often recommended to do so in the growing season (spring and summer) when the plant is actively growing and can recover more quickly.

Q. Can I propagate a Monstera leaf that has broken off?

A. Monstera leaves can be propagated from cuttings. Ensure the cutting has a node (where a leaf joins the stem) and allow it to root in water or soil to grow a new plant.

Q. How long does it take for a Monstera leaf to heal and look healthy again?

A. The healing time for Monstera leaves varies depending on the extent of the damage and the plant’s overall health. Small tears may heal in a matter of weeks, while more significant damage could take several months.

Q. What should I do if my Monstera’s leaves continue to deteriorate despite my efforts?

A. If your Monstera’s leaves are deteriorating despite your care, consider reviewing its overall environmental conditions, including light, humidity, and temperature. Consulting with a local nursery or experienced plant enthusiast may also be helpful in diagnosing and addressing any underlying issues.

Final Thoughts:

Fixing broken Monstera leaves may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and techniques, you can nurse your plant back to health. Remember to assess the damage, trim or repair as necessary, and provide the right conditions for recovery. Your Monstera will thank you with lush, beautiful foliage for years to come. Happy plant parenting!

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