Monstera Obliqua VS Monstera Obliqua Peru (Differences)

What’s the Difference Between Monstera Obliqua and Monstera Obliqua Peru

Monstera Obliqua or Monstera Obliqua Peru is a collector plant and difficult to find in nurseries or any other plant shop. In this post, we will see the differences between Monstera Obliqua and Monstera Peru.

I have seen both varieties of plants physically which helps to give differences between them effectively.

There are four types of monstera obliqua, namely Peru, Panama, Suriname, and Suriname. Peru type is famous or popular because of its fenestration and the size of the holes in leaves.

Please find the difference between them in the table.

SI NoSpecificObliqua Obliqua Peru
1.OriginFrom Central and South America.believed that originated from Peru.
2.LeavesDelicate, holey leaves and giving it a lacy appearance.More perforated leaves with larger holes, giving it a more intricate and distinct look which is better.
3.Size Smaller plant, with leaves that are relatively smaller compared to those of Monstera obliqua Peru.produce larger leaves compared to Obliqua.
4.GrowthSlower Growth.Fast growing compared to obliqua.
5.AvailabilityIt is easily available compared to obliqua peru.Difficult to find and considered as collectors plant.
6.Cost Inexpensive compared to Obliqua Peru.Expensive compared to Obliqua Amazonas.

Now let’s see the difference between Monstera Obliqua and Monstera Obliqua Peru.

1. Origin

Monstera obliqua originated from Central and South America while Monstera Peru rare form believed that originated in Peru.

2. Leaves / Foilage

Monstera obliqua is known for its delicate holey leaves, giving it a lacy appearance, while Monstera obliqua Peru typically has more perforated leaves with larger holes, giving it a distinct look.

Obliqua Peru have more holes than leaves size which means size of the holes is larger.

3. Size

Monstera obliqua tends to be a smaller plant, with leaves that are relatively smaller compared to those of Monstera obliqua peru. Monstera obliqua peru, on the other hand, can produce larger leaves and may exhibit a faster growth rate under suitable conditions.

4. Growth

Monstera Obliqua peru grows faster compared to Monstera Obliqua. However, Peru is still a slow grower compared to other normal plants.

You can always give fertilizer to give boost for growing, but still the plant itself is slow grower.

5. Availablity

Monstera obliqua is generally more commonly available compared to the rare Monstera obliqua peru. As a result, Monstera obliqua peru is sought after by collectors and enthusiasts and can be harder to find.

6. Cost

Monstera Obliqua is inexpensive compared to Obliqua Peru. Monstera Obliqua Peru is more costlier compared to Monstera Obliqua.

7. Popularity and Rare

Monstera obliqua is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its unique appearance, but Monstera obliqua peru is much rarer and thus is highly sought after by plant collectors and enthusiasts.


Is Monstera Obliqua the same as Peru?

Monstera Obliqua is not same as Peru, Obliqua has four different types namely Peru, Panama, Suriname, and Suriname. Peru type is famous or popular because of its fenestration and the size of the holes in leaves.

Monstera obliqua vs monstera obliqua peru size

Monstera obliqua tends to be a smaller plant, with leaves that are relatively smaller compared to those of Monstera obliqua peru. Monstera obliqua peru, on the other hand, can produce larger leaves and may exhibit a faster growth rate under suitable conditions.

Is Monstera Obliqua Peru rare?

Monstera obliqua is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its unique appearance, but Monstera obliqua peru is much rarer and thus is highly sought after by plant collectors and enthusiasts.

Is Obliqua Peru rare?

Monstera obliqua is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its unique appearance, but Monstera obliqua peru is much rarer and thus is highly sought after by plant collectors and enthusiasts.


According to plant enthusiasts Monstera Obliqua and Monstera Obliqua Peru require similar plant care, including bright, indirect light, moderate watering, and a well-draining potting mix.  However, it’s worth noting that specific care requirements may differ slightly based on the individual plant’s needs, so it’s essential to monitor and adjust care as needed.

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