Why Is My Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow And How To Fix It?

The Monstera plant, commonly referred to as the “Swiss Cheese Plant,” is a tropical species that can be found in the vicinity of Central and South American regions. Due to its large, glossy green leaves and unique characteristics, it resembles a “Swiss cheese” appearance, the Monstera is a popular choice for plant enthusiasts and home gardeners all over the world.

Monstera plant or swiss cheese plant is also known for its easy-care nature. These plants are tough and can withstand a variety of conditions, making them a great choice for those who are new to gardening or have a busy lifestyle.

monstera plant turning yellow

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

Monstera plants are also believed to have air-purifying properties, making them beneficial to any home or office. If you’re looking to add a plant to your home which is having a low-maintenance plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions, the Monstera is an excellent choice.

If you’re a home gardener, you might encounter a situation where your Monstera plant’s leaves are turning yellow. So, what could be the causes behind this yellowing of your Monstera’s leaves?

There could be several reasons why your Monstera plant is turning yellow, Here are some major
possible causes:

1. Overwatering

An prevalent reason for yellowing leaves on a Monstera plant is excessive watering. While these plants do need regular watering, they can develop root rot if they remain consistently moist or are watered daily.

If you’re watering your Monstera more than it needed then it’s possible that the roots are getting
too much water and start to rot.


To overcome this situation,

  1. Allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions and ensure that the pot has adequate drainage.
  2. Use a pot with a drainage hole to help excess water escape.
  3. Always keep an eye on the amount of water you are pouring for the plant.
  4. Check the moisture of the soil with a finger test or the device before rewatering and water only if you feel dry.
  5. Water only if the top 1.5-inch soil is dry.

2. Underwatering

if you’re not watering your Monstera plant enough, it could also lead to yellowing leaves.
These plants need a consistent supply of water to grow, so be sure to check the soil regularly and
water it when it feels so dry when you touch it.


  1. Always keep an eye on the amount of water you are pouring for the plant.
  2. Check the moisture of the soil with a finger test or the device before rewatering and water only if you feel dry.
  3. Water only if the top 1.5-inch soil is dry.
  4. Water it only when you feel brittle dryingness in the soil.

3. Improper Soil Mix

The good soil mix also plays a major role, well drainable soil is what is important in this case. If you use soil that doesn’t drain fast and nutrient deficiency soil then it also leads to monstera leaves turning yellow.


For this case, yellowing leaves are mainly due to slow-draining soil which also leads to root rot and causes many other issues like leaves turning yellow.

To solve this I have created another article to create a proper recipe that is loved by the monstera plant.

4. Nutrient deficiency

Yet another cause of yellowing leaves in a Monstera plant is a lack of essential nutrients.These plants require a variety of nutrients such as nitrogen, iron, and phosphorus, to grow healthy
and to have a long shell life.

If your plant is not getting enough of these nutrients, it can lead to yellowing leaves.


To fix this situation, you can try fertilizing your Monstera with a balanced fertilization product that
contains all the necessary nutrients.

Make sure to adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines and fertilize your plant exclusively during the growth season.

5. Pests

Pests, such as aphids or mealybugs, can also cause yellowing leaves on a Monstera plant.
These feed on the sap of the plant, which can lead to the yellowing of leaves.


  1. To get rid of pests, you can try using a natural pest control method, such as neem oil, or a chemical
  2. Take care to protect yourself and your plant when using any chemical products.

6. Light exposure

The amount of light a plant receives can also affect its leaves. If your plant is getting too much direct sunlight, it can turn yellow. even if your plant is not getting enough light, it can also cause the yellowing of leaves.


  1. try moving your plant to a location with the right amount of light for its needs.
  2. Monstera plants just prefer bright, indirect light, so a spot near a window that gets some indirect sunlight would be great.

Tips To Solve Monstera Plant Leaves Turning Yellow:

  1. Overwatering is the main cause that leads to the yellowing of the leaves, so adjust your watering habits.
  2. Fertilize your Monstera with a balanced fertilization product that contains all the necessary nutrients.
  3. To get rid of pests, you can try using a natural pest control method, such as neem oil, or a chemical
  4. try moving your plant to a location with the right amount of light for its needs.
  5. Monstera plants just prefer bright, indirect light, so a spot near a window that gets some indirect sunlight would be great.

you may also consider doing this read-on to get more information.

Should I Cut Off Yellow Monstera Leaves?

Consider cutting off yellow leaves if it is more than 50% damaged. If you remove the yellow leaves, it will help other leaves & plants to grow healthy by absorbing nutrients. Things you need to know is you need to remove yellow or diseased leaves to protect plants from spreading.

These are the typical questions asked by gardeners to me, I made a list below so that it will be useful to you.


Why does my monstera plant have yellow leaves?

Monstera plant has yellow leaves because it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

Why Is My Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow?

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

Why Did Monstera Leaf Turn Yellow?

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

Why Is My Monstera Plant Leaves turning yellow?

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

What do yellow leaves monstera plant mean?

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

Small Leaves On Monstera Turning Yellow

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

How do you fix yellow leaves on monstera?

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

How to cut yellow leaves off monstera

Consider cutting off yellow leaves if it is more than 50% damaged (use a cleaned pruner to prune the leaves off from the plant). If you remove the yellow leaves, it will help other leaves & plants to grow healthy by absorbing nutrients. Things you need to know are you need to remove yellow or diseased leaves to protect plants from spreading.

Monstera What To Do With Yellow Leaves?

Monstera plant leaves turn yellow when it is overwatered or underwatered (can be solved by improving watering habits), improper soil mix, nutrient defect (can be solved by adequate fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil), improper lighting (solved by giving enough light), over-fertilizing, or natural pest infestations (usually aphids or mealybugs).

Final Thoughts:

As per my personal experiences, many times overwatering is the main cause that leads to yellowing the leaves, adjusting your watering habits, fertilizing your plant, getting rid of pests, or moving it to a better location, with a little bit of extra care and attention, you can keep your Monstera plant looking it’s best and healthy. I wish your plant to faster recovery. Keep Reading!

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1 Response

  1. January 17, 2023

    […] If your monstera plant leaves turning yellow checkout this post […]

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